What Is GAP Analysis?

A graphic with the text "what is gap analysis?" next to the logo "shec".

Gap analysis is a crucial process for companies and organisations striving to meet their business objectives. By comparing the current state of the organisation to its desired future state, gap analysis identifies shortcomings and provides options for improvement. What is Gap Analysis? The “gap” in gap analysis represents the disparity between where your business currently […]

Managing Your Health & Safety

Health and safety management promotional graphic with shec acronym.

To comply with the criteria established within the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, all companies and organisations employing five or more staff must have a written, comprehensive Health and Safety Policy. However, simply having a policy is not enough; separate procedures and arrangements, along with additional training, may be necessary to ensure full […]

An Overview Of Risk Assessments

Presentation slide titled 'an overview of risk assessments' with the 'shec' logo in the upper left corner.

Whether you are an employer or self-employed, it is a legal requirement to assess the health and safety risks associated with your job activities. Conducting a thorough risk assessment is crucial to identifying potential hazards and implementing measures to control and reduce these risks. Why Conduct a Risk Assessment? A risk assessment is essential for: […]